3 Tier Ruffle Skirt Men's-LL size [Letter paper download pattern]
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3 Tier Ruffle Skirt Men's-LL size PDF download Letter paper 29 sheets

Men's-LL size waist37in length21.3in

* 3 Tier Ruffle Skirt pattern only
This paper pattern is available in inch and letter size.
If you need paper pattern in cm size & A4 paper size
Please click on the cm size & A4 paper size button on this page.

Children-10 size is here ー> Download
Ladies'-S size is here ー> Download
Ladies'-M size is here ー> Download
Ladies'-L size is here ー> Download
Ladies'-LL size is here ー> Download
Men's-L size is here ー> Download
-- Comment --
It is a 3-tiered ruffle skirt.
Gathered ruffles would inevitably be thicker at the waist, but this design allows the waist to be more neatly arranged.The ruffles are also made by tucking the ruffles, so there is no bias and they can be expressed beautifully.If the hem of the ruffle is processed by rolled hemming, the hem of the ruffle will be thicker and the shape of the ruffle will be more stable.It is also recommended as a base pattern for idol skirts.It is also recommended as a cute pattern for everyday clothing.Use 22cm invisible zip when making this pattern.After printing, paste it according to the pasting line,Cut and use.The pattern has a seam allowance, so it can be used as is.

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